Our Review Card Stats Software Solution

Our Review Card Tracker App Solution - Novocards

Our software solution

Our solution makes it easier to get google reviews with just a TAP with our google review card on the customers phone, it would take them directly to your google reviews page. Each card has a unique identifier and will be assigned to one of your employees using our system, whenever a TAP happens the system will automatically register the tap and all statistics can be viewed by logging in to the system. Where you will be able to see total number of taps by day, week and month. You will be able to also see a live view with real time updates for the taps stats. You will also see top 3 cards tapped daily, weekly, or monthly. Therefor a potential strategy to use with the system would be to assign a monthly prize for the top card tapped, creating a competitive workspace that in return would attract more reviews, and would create a very beneficial cycle.


Main features

  • Login anytime anywhere.
  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Dashboard with latest updated stats.
  • Google tag list page where you can edit or add new tags, search and export tags and their tap counts.
  • Tap list page to keep track of card taps and export, search, and sort by name, id, date, and time.
  • Live view page, with constant real time updated stats automatically.
  • Google reviews page to easily see firsthand the effect of the application and cards, current reviews, and daily count along with latest reviews.
  • Settings page, where you can set limits on the tags to disallow any attempts to cheat the system, also to set your google reviews link.
  • Logs page, where you can see taps with their date and time, and admin logins. With search option and export option.
  • Profile page, to edit your email or change your current password.


- Disclaimer: Please note that the following screenshots might not be up to date and some of the newer features might be missing. Google API only provides current review count and rating, all other numbers are purely from algorithms and calculations we have made and might not be 100% accurate.

Login Page




Tag list



Tap list



Live view

Live view


Google reviews












Our team

Our team is committed to continue development of the system and bring constant updates with new features and ideas. We are also committed to supporting our customers with all their needs and ensure a seamless comfortable experience.

Getting started

To get started using our system, you can start with one of our packages, with 5 or more cards, stands or plates, and get complimentary 1 month access to our tracker application. After that you can upgrade to one of our subscription packages with the same credentials, and your data will not be lost, and we will adjust your licensed cards accordingly.

Please feel free to email us at info@novocards.ae or call us at +971(50)2255424 for any inquiries.
